Jungle Wungle Fables. Modern story adaptations from the Panchatantra and Jataka Tales

The Traveler and the Bracelet

Once upon a time, in the mystic lands of the south, amidst dense forests and sun-kissed clearings, an old tiger had grown weary of his life of violence. He had been fierce in his youth, a terror to all beings near and far. Misfortune had touched him, leaving him alone without his wife and sons. Through the wise counsel of a holy man, the tiger sought redemption through acts of charity and kindness.

Now our story wends its way toward a man, a traveler of the world, whose heart quickened at the sight of riches and whose eyes gleamed with the prospect of gold. It was this very trait that eventually led him to the banks of a serene lake where the old tiger awaited his destined encounter.

The tiger sat, his striped coat shimmering in the sunlight, holding in one hand a blade of kusa grass, a symbol of holiness, and in the other, a bracelet of untold beauty, wrought from the purest of gold.


As travelers passed, the old tiger called out, offering the bracelet as a gift, but none trusted the voice of a known predator until one man, our traveler, dared to pause. Was it fortune smiling upon him, or the siren song of greed?

The traveler, cautious yet tempted, spoke to the tiger, his voice tinged with suspicion. The tiger, in turn, told his tale of sorrow and repentance, painting words of righteousness and generosity. He urged the traveler to bathe in the lake and accept the gift as a pure act of charity.


The moment had come; the traveler stepped into the lake. But fate is often woven with threads of deception, and the man found himself trapped, ensnared by the mire that held him as surely as the chains of avarice had bound his heart. tiger_traveller_in_water

The tiger, a cunning creature till the very end, approached under the guise of aid. The traveler, now realizing his folly, understood too late the peril of misplaced trust. His final thoughts were bitter, lamenting trust given too freely to the unworthy.

tiger_jumping_on_traveller In the end, the tiger’s true nature prevailed, and the man was consumed, a grim reminder to all that one’s innate nature, like the pull of the moon upon the tides, is a force relentless and unyielding.

Word Dictionary

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
Mystic Relating to the mysterious and supernatural Magical Plain
Weary Feeling very tired because of hard work or lack of sleep Exhausted Refreshed
Redemption The action of being saved from sin, error, or evil Salvation Damnation
Charitable Kind and generous, especially in helping the poor and needy Benevolent Selfish
Serene Calm, peaceful, and untroubled Tranquil Agitated
Shimmering Shining with a soft, slightly wavering light Glistening Dull
Tempted Having an urge or desire to do something, especially something wrong Enticed Discouraged
Repentance Feeling regret for wrongdoing and deciding to change one’s ways Contrition Indifference
Deception The act of hiding the truth, especially to get an advantage Trickery Honesty
Misplaced Put in the wrong place or position Misallocated Correctly placed
Innate Existing from the time a person or animal is born Inborn Acquired

Written/Updated on December 07, 2023 🖋️